하이 퍼포먼스 4K, 35μm
4K(35μm) vs 2K(50μm)출력비교
3D 프린터가 구현할 수 있는 최상의 표현력 35µm,
더 정밀해진 OnDemand3D 4K Printer로 더 정밀한 보철물을 제작할 수 있습니다.
Clinical acceptability
• The findings of this review support the use of 3D printing for the fabrication of dental models and deem them as clinically acceptable with the majority of
included studies (n = 20/28) establishing a clinically acceptable error range of <100 to 500µm.
[Etemad-Shahidi, Y., Qallandar, O. B., Evenden, J., Alifui-Segbaya, F., & Ahmed, K. E. (2020). Accuracy of 3-dimensionally printed full-arch dental models: A systematic review.
Journal of clinical medicine, 9(10), 3357.]
• It is, however, worth noting the included studies which used orthodontic models [19,34,36,42,46,47,49,50,52,55,57] had more relaxed thresholds for clinical
acceptability (up to 500µm), compared to those intended for prosthodontic applications (up to 200µm) [6,51,53].
[Etemad-Shahidi, Y., Qallandar, O. B., Evenden, J., Alifui-Segbaya, F., & Ahmed, K. E. (2020). Accuracy of 3-dimensionally printed full-arch dental models :
A systematic review. Journal of clinical medicine, 9(10), 3357.]
• The threshold of clinical acceptability was 200µm.
[Shen, Y. R., Chen, H., Ma, K. N., & Sun, Y. C. (2021). Quantitative evaluation of printing accuracy of multi-color and multi-hardness three-dimensional printing
dental model with photopolymer jetting. Zhonghua kou Qiang yi xue za zhi= Zhonghua Kouqiang Yixue Zazhi= Chinese Journal of Stomatology, 56(7), 652-658.]
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